The Glow Centre does not offer emergency support or crisis counselling but there is help out there if you need it urgently.

If yours or someone else's life is in danger, call 000 or go to your nearest hospital emergency department
Metro North Acute Care Mental Health Service: 1300 MH CALL (1300 64 22 55)
This is a confidential mental health telephone triage service that provides the first point of contact to public mental health services to Queenslanders.
1300 MH CALL is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and will link to the caller’s nearest Queensland Public Mental Health service.
Contact your GP or psychiatrist
Emergency and crisis support
The Glow Centre is not equipped to provide emergency support or crisis counselling but there is help out there if you need it urgently.
24/7 crisis support
Lifeline 13 11 14, text 0477 13 11 14
Beyond Blue 1300 224 636
Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467
​​​​​1800 RESPECT 1800 737 732
Domestic, family, or sexual violence
DV Connect 1800 811 811
Domestic, family, or intimate partner violence
National Alcohol and Other Drug Hotline 1800 250 015
MensLine 1300 789 978
13 YARN 13 92 76
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander crisis support
Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800
For ages 5-25 years of age​​​​
Other support services
​​SANE Australia 1800 187 263
​​​​Butterfly Foundation 1800 ED HOPE (1800 33 4673)
Support for eating disorders
Relationships Australia 1300 364 277
Griefline 1300 845 745
Q-Life 1800 184 527
For LGBTIQ+ people and their loved ones wanting to talk about a range of issues including sexuality, gender, bodies, feelings, or relationships
Headspace 1800 650 890
For young people aged 12-25 ​​
Online resources
eMHPrac directory
provides a useful overview of various Australian online programs, forums, phone services, apps and digital information resources.
Head to Health
Whether you are looking for mental health support for yourself, someone you care about, or just trying to improve your wellbeing - Head to Health is a good place to start.
Head to Health helps everyone access the mental health and wellbeing services that are right for them. It makes it easier to navigate and choose the most suitable care options, whether that’s face-to-face, via phone, or online.